Star Wars, freakin out, and the important of training

I was watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Anakin Skywalker’s padawan Ahsoka was taken by some bad guys.   Did they abduct her because they wanted to have tea and crumpets with her?  


They wanted a padawan for their own creepy little version of the Hunger Games.  

After Anakin realized Ahsoka was gone he got worried.   Crazy worried.  He was freakin’ out until finally Plo, another Jedi master, dropped some wisdom on him.

He said if you trained her properly, she’ll find her way back home.

This was a hard pill for Anakin to swallow… 

He knew Plo was right though.  Instead of trying to scour the universe for her he knew he had to let go and trust she’d be ok.  

And Ahsoka made it home.

What made this good fiction is the fact that this is so true and so applicable to real life.  

When the pandemic hit I thought I could out maneuver it like flying a X-Wing around enemy fire.  I thought I was going to pivot and my business would be safe.  Instead I got swallowed like that creepy toothy mouth thing in the Return of The Jedi.  

I had the marketing training but what I didn’t have was the mindset and belief in my skills to match it.  That’s why in my upcoming boot camp we’re going to go over the practical business skills creative entrepreneurs need, but the mindset as well.
