Why this manifesting stuff doesn’t work

When I started freelancing I read marketing books for fun.

No kidding.

Kinda sad but what can I say, I’m a nerd.  And while people were reading Harry Potter and James Patterson books, I was reading books by Seth Godin.  For fun, yes, but I knew it would translate into new ways to market my art.  

My career still never really took off like I wanted so I switched to reading business books.  Like sales, mindset, how to grow a business, and wealth books.  Now we’re talking!  

Now I’m happy with my career, right?  


To figure out what I was missing I went new age.  How can I ‘attact this’ and ‘manifest’ that!  Surely positive thinking will do the trick.  And like Tom “Big Al” Schreiter said about his early career, all that positive thinking helped me feel better about still being broke.  

Then I got it!  I didn’t have faith like I thought I did.  The bible says faith is, “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” It seemed I often lost faith in manifesting.  

I mean, rent is due on the first people!  God needs to speed this along.  

My trust in source could be dicey and I worked on “fixing” my vibration but I never got it right.  Why?  Because the recipe was incomplete.  It’d be like making sugar cookies with no sugar.  Just so you know, people would call them biscuits.  





I didn’t fully learn and understand the recipe until I came across Dee Williams’ work.

To be the manifesting dynamo you want to be, Dee says your success is based on these three things:

How I see myself.  

How I see the world.

And how I see the world seeing me.  

My friend, this is the difference between making sugar cookies that taste like sugar cookies.  Or sugar cookies that taste like cardboard.  

Cause what most people do is focus on how YOU see the world.  

Even I love this Albert Einstein quote:  “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or a hostile universe.” 

And I do think that is the most important decision.  I know people who are scared to live in a big city cause they think they’re dangerous.  Or living in the country is the only way to ensure your kids don’t grow up with the moral code of Larry Flynt.  

How you see your world is everything.  If you’re fearful, you may not even leave your house.  

But these next two, are the whoppers.

First, how I see myself.  

As Dee says, “this is not only the first but the most crucial pillar because your foundation cannot support the manifestation process without it.”

Let me give you an example of me losing weight… 

I’m fat.

Not only did I NOT lose a pound last week but I gained a pound.

Eating good is not working, may as well go to McDonalds….  

I’m still fat, so what difference does it make?  The difference is that’s not self love, that’s self acceptance.  

Calling yourself fat and saying what you’re doing doesn’t work doesn’t make the needle move.  I know that’s obvious but why did I do it. 

Self love.  Or a lack there of…

Do you think I would ever speak to my kids that way?  No.  They could all double in size and I still wouldn’t.  Cause I love them unconditionally.  That’s the goal anyway…

So I knew to manifest and get my life right, I had to see myself like Oprah saw herself, as god’s child.  I am beauty, I am love, I am part of the divine.  

Is it hard?  Hell yeah.  

It’s tough to go from I’m a fat pig who can’t fit my favorite jeans to loving yourself and STILL not fitting those jeans.  

Ugh.  Why do I have to love myself, FIRST?   Cause that’s how it works, peeps.  You just have to.  Simple, but not easy.  And you gotta do it, if you want to be happy.  

Hell, you can chop off your leg and drop 30 pounds.  There’s all sorts of ways to lose weight or get rich quickly (lottery, rob a bank) but it won’t make you happy in a fulfilled way.

And the last one is, how I see the world seeing me.  This is a big one because you can love yourself but if you think the world doesn’t see you the same way, you’re not in congruence.  

Let’s say you get a prospect who wants to hire you.  If you think your style doesn’t fit the project, or if their budget can’t afford you.  The juju you send out into the either is, this probably isn’t ‘going to work out.  

You can love the hell out of yourself and think the world is amazing, but if you don’t think you’re gonna get the gig, you probably won’t.

Or let’s take me and weight loss.  If I love myself and think the world is awesome, but if I think the world sees me as a fat pig, the cycle is broken and you lose your congruence again.  

As you use your thoughts, feelings, and emotions to be the highest expression of yourself, make sure you live in alignment with:

How you see yourself.  

How you see the world.

And how you see the world seeing you. 

