Getting slapped with an anvil

I grew up poor but I prefer to say broke.  

The reason why is because my progressively Christian mom never made us feel that way.  I heard Wayne Dyer say more or less the same thing about his childhood, but he said they just “lived where they were at”.  That felt right for me.

Dave Chapelle put it in an even better (and funnier) way.  He said his family made enough to live in a better part of town so he got to see what his friends had that he couldn’t afford.  I could totally relate to that!   Author Lynne Twist gave me my favorite term though.

In her book the Soul of Money, Lynne was visiting with the Senegalese people.  Statistically these people were poor and were struggling for resources.  But when she met them she realized they were not “poor” in the traditional sense.  She said they, “burned with the fire of possibility.”  And to me, that’s what my mom had.

Even though we were broke my soft spoken church-lady mom burned with the fire of possibility and she etched that into me.  Not to mention, not having enough fit me about as well as my ten year old son’s underwear.  I knew, my adult life was going to be different.  

What was my first path to riches?  I was gonna be a pop star!

When I graduated from high school I enrolled in music school.  Because, ‘I knew what I wanted my music to sound like’ so I thought music school was going to be a breeze.  

I couldn’t be more wrong.  

My logic was about as sound as, ‘cause I love eating food that means I’d be a great chef’.  My university eventually cancelled the degree I was studying so I used it as my chance to get out of music.  

And a bunch of companies declining my demo tapes didn’t hurt either…

Then I thought big corporations held the key.  If I get a degree I can work my way up.  Why not have one of those big corporate glass offices?  Maybe even get a fancy laptop and a company car.    I tried that too.

I eventually learned about office politics and my favorite…  Being a team player.  Or lack there of (something I was accused of at my last big corporate job).   It seemed corporate America was about as congruent with me and having AA meetings at the bar in Applebees.  

Next it was Network (or Multi-Level) Marketing.  I discovered the work of Eric Worre and he rocked my entrepreneurial universe like Thanos from the Avengers movies.  

I eventually quit network marketing but I KNEW entrepreneurism was the gateway to the life I wanted.  I studied the market, wealth, and business.  I kept my nose buried in books like Hermione looking for Horcruxes in the library.  

Did I have enough?  Nope.  I kept looking.

I doubled down on studying direct marketing and copywriting.  After all, I just need to learn how to write  better ads and better sales letters.  I’ll be Scrooge McDuck in no time…

I had ups but I STILL kept looking over my shoulder like poverty could pounce me at any minute like Freddy Krueger from the Nightmare on Elm Street movies.  

I doubled down on spirituality and getting clear on the Law of Attraction.  And yet, I still felt a little damned.  

Then I read a quote by William Paul Young.  He said, “I allowed myself to fall into trust.  And that’s when we learned that the opposite of more is enough.”

I felt like Bugs Bunny just slapped me with a glove with an anvil in it.  

This quote made me realize not trusting, not being present, and always fearing not enough kept giving me more of not enough.  I was what Gabby Bernstein calls a Manic Manifester.

She said, “manic manifesting happens when someone has all the spiritual tools and jargon but forgets the most important part of attraction: to tune in to the Universe. You can say affirmations, pray, and meditate every day and still not attract because your energy is out of alignment.”

There I was.  Busted.  

So if my problem was being out of alignment too often the fix was just to flip it around and be in alignment MORE.  

This solution took nearly all of my adult life to learn but hey, better late than never.


Focusing on What is Real

When I was kid I believed in all sorts of stuff.  

Santa Claus.  

The Easter Bunny.  

Democrats and Republicans actually accomplished things together…

Kids believe the darnedest things!  One belief that stuck with me for a while was an old cliche,  “love conquers all”.  As I grew up I learned that that was ridiculous!  There’s no way that one is true!  

Or is it?

When I first read Oprah Winfrey’s book, The Path Made Clear.  She talked about starting her girl’s school, people doubting her, and the obstacles she was facing at that time.  Oprah said, “You cannot defeat someone who knows who they are truly are.”

This kinda turned me off.  That’s easy for Oprah, the celebrity billionaire to say.  That’d be like Stephen Curry saying anyone can win a NBA 3 point shooting contest if you just put your mind into it.

Or how you can run an ultra-marathon race with positive thinking.  It’s just not gonna happen.  

I reread Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It by Kamal Ravikant.  Great book by the way… I think it should be required reading for human beings—especially if you’re a creative! 

Anyhoow, the book is about how Kamal was depressed and suicidal and cleaned up his life with loving himself.  It seemed  impossible.  It’s too simple to work for me.

Until, I tried it.  

And like Kamal said in his book, within a few days I noticed things started to change.  I felt better but synchronicity started bringing happiness to my doorstep like singing animals in Disney’s The Little Mermaid. 

So, back to Oprah’s quote.  “You cannot defeat someone who knows who they are truly are.”  

I thought, Oprah didn’t say ‘herself’, she said “someone”.  What if Oprah was talking about someone who TRULY loves themselves?  I mean, the spiritual movement has talked about unconditional love for millennia.  

But what if you TRULY loved your drawing even if it wasn’t perfect?  

What if you TRULY loved your life even if it’s not going how you thought it should? 

What if you TRULY loved YOURSELF even if you didn’t have wash board abs or the lover you wanted?

I have two degrees from a university and buutt-loads of business and practical experience!  But I gotta tell you, little 8 year old Adam knew better than me in so many ways…

And so does Oprah…

And so Kamal…

He said, “Fighting fear doesn’t work.  It just drags us in closer.  One has to focus on what is real.  On the truth.  When in darkness, don’t fight it.  You can’t win.  Just find the nearest switch, turn on the light.”

That light for me was understanding I didn’t love myself consistently.  I still struggle with this sometimes but i’m getting better.  

And I got news for you.  When you love yourself and you have a positive vision for you want, you my friend, are unstoppable.


The Magic Trick that Fooled Us All

A few years ago I found the perfect coach!  She dazzled me so much I signed up for her group coaching program.   I was under her spell!

For like a month…

All the artsy creativity and pizazz that was in HER was NOT in the program.  I felt duped.  I’ve gotten pretty good at vetting online marketers so how did I not see thru the smoke and mirrors this time?  

I know I’m not alone, you’ve probably fallen prey to a Merlin or two.  It’s a trick the pros play BUT, I know their secret.  And I’m going to share it with you… For $1499.00.

Just kidding.  

My first step into understanding how I was charmed was when I went deep into Megan Macedo’s Artist and Business Paradigm work.  If you’re not familiar with it, let’s review.

A paradigm is a set of rules to play a game.  If you play soccer with basketball’s rules you’re gonna be a really shitty soccer player.   

Remember BlockBuster video and DVD rental?  They made like 20% of their money from late fees so they didn’t want to get into Internet streaming.  They chose to play with the old rules and folded faster than tortillas on Taco Tuesday.

The Artist Paradigm is about doing what Macedo calls your “real work”.  The focus is on doing your art and focusing on what makes you come alive.

The Business Paradigm is about profits and the needs of the market.  This can be important and very handy but it’s #2 in my book.

Just so you know…  

The coaching program I took wasn’t bad and I don’t have any ill feelings towards it or the peeps who sold it.  Some people got a lot of value from that program.  Why didn’t I?  

If you’ve bought a course before and if what you bought seemed different from what you received, this may be true for you too.

You ready to find out what I learned?  

Here it goes…

Most people sell you in Artist Paradigm but they teach you in the Business Paradigm.

I’m gonna repeat that.

Most people sell you in Artist Paradigm but they teach you in the Business Paradigm.

Now just let that sink in…

When I purchased that coaching program I resonated with the founder’s story.  She was an artist who wanted more.  She learned the skills and developed the confidence to play a bigger game.  

Who wouldn’t want to learn from her?

But when I signed up I didn’t get HOW she did it, I got her SYSTEM.  It was full of spreadsheets, goal setting, numbers, scaling, almost all Business Paradigm stuff.  Her coaching program may have been great for me had I enrolled in it 5 or 10 years ago.

I have a friend right now that is doing what I used to do.  She’s taking courses, traveling to conferences, using new technologies and is overly BP focused.  She won’t admit it but she’s tired.  And more importantly she’s not getting what she wants.

It’s like how contestants lose weight on The Biggest Loser TV show.  After you cut your calories to 1200 a day and do more cardio than a cheetah, almost none of the contestants can sustain their results.  A former contestant said they’ll never do a reunion show because almost all contestants gain ALL of the weight back.

So what was the solution to my problem?  What did I eventually learn?

I realized the answers to the big problems need to come from within.  Fulfillment is about loving what you do and who you become.  

At least once a day you need to slow down and make space for quiet time (meditation, etc.) and connect with your inner YOU.  You’re connecting to intuition, source, god, that feeling in your gut, etc.  Use whatever term you want.  

If not, you’ll keep being bewitched by the Business Paradigm.   And let me tell you, the Business Paradigm ALWAYS has stuff for you to DO and BUY!  

You can get more done if you buy this program!

You’re sucking wind cause you need SEO.

Why are you not posting on TikTok 5 times a day?

These are tactics and they work.  You can even do these tactics in an artful way.  The best pros do!  But my point is, tactics don’t create fulfillment.  Tactics don’t put you in the right direction to do your REAL WORK.  

When you get quiet and get answers from the inside  you’ll know you’re on the right track and it will ‘feel right’. 


Goals, Resolutions, and Motivation

In life, there’s always stuff for us to do. 

Goals, resolutions, changes, and all that kind of stuff.  Like, last year I said…

No more pets. 

We have two more by the way…

Last year I said no more  artificial sweeteners. 

I’m drinking a sugarless energy drink as I type this. And NO it’s not sweetened with stevia…

Last year I said I’ll get my dental work done. 

Cavities are fake news. Whatever Fauci…

There’s a ton of crap that I was supposed to do and never got around to. Or I did it for a little while and stopped. 

One thing I did do last year though was, I completed Megan Macedo’s 21 day writing challenge. 

It was hard. 

I was good at first though, I had all the motivation in the world. Then slowly the nice sugary coating of the honeymoon period wore off and I was left with the bland unchewy center. 

But I did it. 

I was proud of myself. Kinda like when I quit caffeine for a week. Well, almost a week. Well, it was almost four days. 

But still, I made it without slapping anyone or cursing at the innocent. 

I was proud of myself. Not for doing it, though. That’s like motivation. Motivation never lasts. Or as Mel Robbins put it, “motivation is garbage”. 

I just don’t want to check a box off my checklist. I used to live for that.  That ship has sailed, I’m in a different place now. 

What I was most proud of is who I became thru the process.  Through all of my coaching work I always wrote to be accepted, or for likes, or to pitch a product. Last year’s challenge was different. 

It was about ME and it was about WRITING.  




My world shifted and now I’m back and ready to do it again in 2023. 

Who’s with me?


Make your cash register ring by doing what you do… on a horse.

I was at an event.

There was a guy there dressed as a cowboy.  He told stories and gave facts about the Southwest.  

He was nice.

A little charismatic.

A lil funny.

But he wasn’t amazing or super captivating.  What made this guy interesting was…  

He had a horse.  

He did his schtick in front of the horse and sometimes ON the horse.

I pulled up a chair next to the DJ and I said, “could you imagine DJ’ing on horse?  You’d kill it!”  We both laughed.  Until I realized I wasn’t joking…

I thought, what if I did caricatures on a horse? I’d crush it!

The other day I spoke about what Dan Kennedy calls, Specific Application.  How can you narrow down your client list with a niche, purpose, location, etc and charge more?

Without the horse that cowboy would just be a guy telling Southwestern history.  Kinda boring.  

But doing it on a horse?  


Much more compelling.  

I met a lady the other day who was an artist.  She was working at the venue I was drawing at.  

She seemed interested in what I was doing so I assumed she was an artist.  When I asked her about her work her face lit up. 

One of the things that she does is, she creates paintings based on her client’s personal story, desires, favorite colors, etc.

My ears went up like Nightcrawler from the X-men!

I thought this would be brilliant in the wedding space.  She could easily charge 2x or 3x of what she is charging now!

Her limiting beliefs kept her from hearing but still…I thought it was a great idea.

So, what do you do now that you could do “on a horse” and charge more for?  

And I’m not talking about literally doing it “on a horse” but let’s milk that analogy.

Mary Kay is a commodity.  

There’s hundreds of thousands of consultants out there.  But what if you sold Mary Kary cosmetics…on a horse?  I bet you’d stand out. 

You manage social media?  I bet you’d be far more profitable…on a horse.

You like painting?  I bet you could charge more doing it, you guessed it, on a horse!

What could be your “horse” that sets you apart and makes the cash register ring?
