People can be weird.
And not weird in the good way.
We went full-throttle with our animal rescue this year and we’ve been picking up traction nicely. We’ve been attracting good positive helpful people, but we’ve also attracted…
Pompous know it alls.
And Ice Queens that are so pretentious they make my teeth hurt.
Wanna know why we started a rescue instead of joining an existing one? We couldn’t take the blithering weirdos and control freaks that care more about their fragile egos than dogs.
Or they run the rescue like the US Senate and spend money like Mike Tyson in his prime.
Which left him broke by the way…
This reminded me of something Myron Golden said, “Mediocrity scales exponentially but excellence scales incrementally.”
This is why there’s not many Tom Brady’s or Lebron James out there.
This is why there’s not many Apple’s or Nike’s.
This is why there’s not a lot of Oprah’s or Taylor Swift’s out there.
Success must be intentional!
You have to have discipline and intentionally make yourself great. If not you drift your way to average.
In The Creative Act, Rick Rubin said:
“Look around you: there are so many remarkable accomplishments to appreciate. Each of these is humanity being true to itself…”
I KNOW you want it!
I’m always saying you need to be the highest expression of yourself. How do you get there? It starts with being true to yourself.
Do the work you’re passionate about. The work that moves you.
And when you’re uber true to yourself they will notice.
They have to.