Freedom is…

The election left a lot of my friends and family bummed.  To say the least…

Yesterday, something came to me.  

I found out Alien Romulus is going to be on Hulu later this month.  Ok, so that came to me in an e-mail but that’s not technically what I’m talking about.  What came to me is this.

Freedom is within.  

A lack of freedom comes from the thoughts that you are thinking.  

Freedom is found in the thoughts you’re thinking, your feelings, and your state of consciousness.  When your mind and your conscious awareness find freedom, so will your body.

It’s ALL an inside job.

Happiness is found within.  

Love starts within.  

Even the bible says the Kingdom of God is within.

“My goal is not to “MAKE” America or anyone else do anything. Instead, I want to inspire the world to become whole from within, so that the light of our own growth and goodness spills outward, and America benefits from that overflow.”

-Garrain Jones

Do your art and be the highest expression of yourself.  

You will inspire greatness.

