I think of you in the shower

Jeff Bezos was interviewed in Success magazine.  He was talking about Amazon Prime and introducing same day delivery.  Back then I thought instant delivery was about as doable as driving your car with chopsticks.  Someone put WAY too much cocoa in his Cocoa Puffs.

So how did Bezos go from two day to same day delivery?

He said he’s constantly thinking about what Amazon’s customers need.  It literally keeps him up night!  He even thinks about their needs in the shower.

That’s not creepy or anything…

Fast forward to today, now I do it too!  I understand why Amazon is successful and why I’ve been an Amazon Prime customer for years.  

“Obsession” makes people nervous but it’s quite helpful if you want to play an instrument, keep your kids safe, or run a business.  When I started out I wanted to save the world.  Maybe take on some free coaching or discount my first course.  Whatever I had to do to help everyone I could.  

You don’t want to help everyone, you want to help the right people.  Helping the wrong ones is like dragging a runner across the finish line.  It’s exhausting.  And you ruin your good shoes. 

The more you become sociopathitcally clear about who you serve, your offerings will get better.  Your job will get easier and everyone wins.  

Your bank account will thank you too.

If you’d like help with with funneling your client obsession and helping the right people, book a coaching session with me today.  https://adamstreet.net/contact-me/
