Is your work dry or wet s**t?

Stan Lee called The Scarlet Pimpernel the first superhero.  If Stan Lee says it it’s gotta be true, right?  

It’s like taking acting advice from Meryl Streep or learning how to stroke a 3-pointer  from Stephen Curry.

The Scarlet Pimpernel was a novel published in 1905 by Baroness Orczy.  Orczy’s ‘superhero’ would save the day and leave a card behind bearing a scarlet pimpernel flower.  

How pimp is that?  

Today that would be the equivalent of foiling a crime, putting it on YouTube, and sending it to the bad guy.  

What I love about leaving the card is (and I’ve never read the novel in case you’re curious…), it leaves a piece of you behind.  It puts a face on the work or transformation.  And here’s the million dollar question…

Do you do this with your tribe?

Matthew McConaughey interviewed a musician he loved in West Africa.  He asked him why he didn’t come to America and other countries.  The musician said…

“Because there I would be dried shit, neither me nor my scent would stick with you.  Here, I am wet shit, both me and my scent stick with you.

Do you stick with your audience?  What part of YOU do you leave behind in your work?  

In your marketing? 

In your  promotions?

We’ll talk about this in my new boot came for creative entrepreneurs. You can be unapologetically you and attract the right clients and earn a great living doing what you love. 

More into to come!  But until then, keep puttin’ your funk out into the world.


PS McConaughey’s quote was taken from his book, Greenlights.  It’s a keeper and worth checking out.