Removing the pressure

My mentor Chance Wolf asked on Facebook, what knowledge would you share with younger artists? This is what I wrote.

“One of the biggest ‘ah ha’ moments, ironically I learned it from you is… It’s not if you can make it, it’s WHEN. If you don’t quit anyway. That took the pressure off of wondering if I could make it so I just focused on doing the work.”

That’s just as true for a young artist as it is for an chiropractor who has been in business for 30 years.

You suck at email marketing?  Guess what?  You can change it.

You don’t have enough quality customers or prospects?  You can change it.

Want to go on more vacations?  You can change that too.

As long as you have a pulse, you can make the changes necessary to get what you want.  

If you’re willing to do the work…and NOT quit.

