Crazy. Unique. Sometimes it’s a fine line. Wackos like the Unabomer? Defintitely crazy.
But what about people who buy into conspiracy theories? I would have thought they were a little bat sh-t, that is until I read about a study done by Prof. Roland Imhoff at the Johannes Gutenberg University.
He said people believe in conspiracy theories because they are searching for a feeling and not a logical truth. “Adherence to conspiracy theory might not always be the result of some perceived lack of control, but rather a deep-seated need for uniqueness”, he wrote.
Why should you focus on standing out and becoming more of what you are? Because your tribe is looking for you!
This is why the military constantly get candidates and adults go to Disneyland over and over again. The military and Disney tell a story that resonates with their tribe and gives them the feelings that they are look for.
What could you do this week to give your audience a unique feeling that matches your brand?