I went thru a group coaching program.
It didn’t do a lot for me. Well, aside from being really good at draining my wallet…
Going thru the process didn’t meet my expectations but don’t cry for me yet Argentina! I took a lot of great things from it. One of those great things was taking the Wealth Dynamics test. It’s a profiling system for entrepreneurs.
My primary profile is Creator. Well, duh. I’m an artist. I create stuff. I’m creatIVE. That is a no brainer. That’d be like if Jack Hanna took a profiling test and it said he’d be good with animals.
No fireworks there…
But my secondary profile was a lot more interesting. It told me I was a Star. All of a sudden, holes started filling in.
I always looked at purpose and following your passion like the Eastern philosophy called Dharma. If you’re not familiar with it Mallika Chopra summarized it well. “Dharma is your unique purpose in life. It is the process by which you use your unique skills and passions to serve your community and the world.”
I always associated my dharma with my art. Recently I heard Oprah say something though, that gave me even more clarity.
Back around the time she did the movie The Color Purple, Oprah hired an acting coach. The coach asked her why she wanted to act. I don’t remember what Oprah said but I sure as hell remember the coaches response.
She said, “You don’t want to be an actor, you want to be a star.”
I realized that’s why I wanted do everything from having my music played on the radio to being featured on CNN. I have always wanted to create and do my art (no matter what shape it took) but I also wanted to do it big.
I wanted to be a star at it!
I realized even some issues I had in my marriage had to do with my Star-ness. After all I’m metaphorically selling tickets to perform at Carnegie Hall, why is my wife not buying tickets? Or worse, why is she going to Madison Square Garden that night?
Knowing that I’m a “star” also made me see why it was easy to bounce around jobs. Why as an entrepreneur I kept looking at one opportunity after another.
I thought I was unfocused.
Lazy even.
Well, maybe a little sometimes. But I think it came down to I knew I would be creative no matter what, but I also wanted a place my inner star could shine brightest.
That’s why drawing cartoons at events was such a perfect match for me.
At events am I a star like Taylor Swift? Do most people in the world know my name? No, not at all. But to the 100 people attending the wedding I’m drawing at?
I may as well be Harry Styles…
Ok, maybe not Harry Styles but I’m an amazing Adam Street.