I’d rather deliver pizza than sell like this

I did an experiment last week.

I saw a product that boasted having the perfect framework to write a kick-ass sales letter.  

It was new.


All the stuff you’d expect from ‘hypey’ sales copy.  I assumed it was just the AIDA formula.

AIDA stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.  It’s what nearly everyone on the planet should be using if you’re selling a product or service.

The AIDA model is old school.  It’s been around a long time and it works harder than a border collie!

Ok, back to my experiment…

I paid nearly $100 to sign up.  Only to learn I was right.   The magic formula they were selling was just the AIDA formula rebranded as their “proprietary” thing. 

What’s the lesson here?  

Brilliant copy or a great sales letter will get you the sale.  But you won’t keep most your customers (I know I’m never buying from these guys again).  Instead of nurturing an audience you’ll have to get more and more and more new customers.

If that floats your boat, great.  I’d honestly rather deliver pizza for a living.  

Be true to your vision and yourself.  And more importantly be true to those you wish to serve.

To get more emails like this everyday, go here:  https://adamstreet.net

Adam “ain’t delivering pizza anytime soon” Street  

When fishing is good and the catching is bad

Some people treat studying like some wussy soft skill.  

Not quite sure why studying gets such a bad rap so I googled it.   

Here’s the definition I found:

“Devote time and attention to acquiring knowledge on (an academic subject), especially by means of books.”

Ah, I see where this ‘pop culture’ definition is different than my version.  

Knowledge is not power, the application of knowledge is power.  You can read about how to fish all you want.  Until you bait your hook and plant your fishing pole into some water you’re not really going to KNOW fishing.

Knowing is about conscious contact not theories.

That’s our goal.  

It’s how we will understand who we serve and to KNOW them better and better.   That way when you write copy for your website or ads or whatever you can lead with what resonates with your audience the most.  

As Gary Halbert would say, you don’t want to sell the best hamburgers, you want to find “a STARVING CROWD”.  

If you don’t, you’re pushing the rope instead of pulling it.

You’re gonna work WAY too hard for lackluster results.

Eugene Schwartz put it like this:

“This mass desire must already be there.  It must already exist.  You cannot create it, and you cannot fight it.  But you can—and must—direct it, channel it, focus it onto your particular product.”

Yes, you want a fancy USP and all that jazz but make sure you are tapping into a desire that is already there with your products and services.

To learn more on how to find and market to a hungry crowd, subscribe to my free daily emails at https://adamstreet.net .


The positives of being negative and my crazy ex

In my freshman year of college I dated a girl named Candy.    

As Martin Lawrence would say, she was “crazy and deranged”.

She’d make Glenn Close’s character in Fatal Attraction look like a mild-mannered Sunday school teacher.  

I learned a lot from that experience.  Mostly notably was how to spot a CRAZY bee-yotch in the wild.  It’s like watching Animal Planet but with a twist.  

I’d complain but that’s life.  There’s positive and there’s negative.  Just like in dating and everything else in the world.

When it comes to writing copy, adding the negative can take your writing to the next level.  Especially on your sales pages and emails.

I’ll do a biz-op example.  Most Promises look like this:

  • You’ll earn more.
  • Have more free time.
  • You can build your biz with little experience.


That’s all well and good but NEGATIVE Promises help balance out your message.  You could say something like…

Are you tired of:

Companies that prey on your “Hopes and dreams”.

Marketing materials that are just long boring sales pitches.

Without the negatives you can risk sounding like a really annoying overly positive person.  Like Pollyanna or Kenneth from 30 Rock.

For more “negative” daily email and marketing tips subscribe at https://adamstreet.net .


The meat and potatoes of writing emails

Writing emails can be tough.

And if you take my advice and email every day, sometimes it can feel like pushing a baby elephant…


I admit, I have different approaches in creating emails but one method I use is to start with a theme or premise.

And by ‘theme’ I just mean, what your email is about or the meat of your message.  

Here’s the theme of the movie i, Robot:

“A technophobic cop investigates a crime that may have been perpetrated by a robot, which leads to a larger threat to humanity.”

So how does this work for emails?

Let’s say my theme is based on something I heard Darren Hardy say last week.  I don’t remember it verbatim but he said, environment is stronger than willpower.  

I had to think on that one for a second. 

That was powerful!  

It reminded me about a book I read called Influencer and all sorts of memories and ideas that backed up what Hardy said. 

So if Darren Hardy’s quote was the “meat” of email, the next thing to do is add a vegetable, a grain, and maybe even a roll or two to support your theme.

That’s why the concept of writer’s block is more fictitious than Spongebob and Patrick barbecuing underwater.

If you need help cooking up content all you need to do is open a book or an Internet browser.

Wanna never miss a good “marketing meal” again?  Join my daily email list:  https://adamstreet.net


Prove mastery with 3 questions

I was listening to Brandon Lucero’s podcast the other day and he was describing something he learned from Gary Vaynerchuk.  

What’s funny is he started by saying he doesn’t usually listen to Gary V anymore.  He said he’s, learned about all he can from him.  So he thought…

I know that feeling all too well.  Someone gives you some advice or you read something and you think, “yeah yeah, I know.”

This happened to me in high school when I entered in a talent show.  I was supposed to sing a song but for some reason I didn’t feel the need to practice.  

And guess what?  

I didn’t win.  I barely made it though the song.  It was embarrassing.

I picked up 3 questions from Darren Hardy last week that really would have been helpful before I blew that talent show.  He said when you think you’ve got a skill down and you get ready to say, “I’ve heard this before”, ask yourself this:

  • Am I doing it?
  • Have you mastered it?
  • Would my results prove that I’ve mastered it?

Even though I thought I “knew how to sing” that song.  My answer to those three questions was no and I failed.

Asking yourself questions like these keep you on your toes. You’ll also stay on your a-game and no one will think you’re a pompous know-it-all.  That’s a bonus.

For daily tips like these in your email, subscribe at https://adamstreet.net .
