I have always loved bad guys.
I was upset when Hans Gruber fell off Nakatomi Plaza.
Darth Vader scared me as a kid, but I was fascinated by him.
Aside from Thanos from the Avengers being an imperialistic murderous scumbag, you just know he’d be fun to have a beer with.
Well, as long as you don’t ask Nebula or Gamora….
I’m far from a bad guy, I like being nice. But this Mark Twain quote comes to mind…
“I oppose dictatorships, but it would be dangerous to offer me the position”.
As I got older I realized why bad guys can be so cool to me. It’s their sense of this one thing.
In movies the good guy has to evolve to get what he wants. The bad guy knows what he wants and he’s determined to get it.
As you think about your goals, themes, and wishes for next year. Remember to think like a bad guy.
What do you want? And how can you get it?
What was the number one thing that drove Voldemort?
He feared it.
He did everything in his power to make sure it could NEVER happen to him. It took years of planning but his biggest fear was death but it was also his greatest teacher.
Because the goal determines the process.
If you’d like to make 20% more income next year. You can do just about anything—including cutbacks.
If you wanna double your income, that’s a different process. It forces you to look at the unknown. What you are NOT doing right now.
I like to keep it real so here we go…
We’re going to die. And in 2024 you’re closer to death than you were a year ago.
But don’t let fuel your fears and head-trash, let it propel you forward. Allow it to give you the drive to make it happen bigger, better, and faster than you could imagine.
“I found drive in my own insecurities. That’s the most powerful thing in the world. When you can find drive in your own doubt, fear, insecurities, you become very unstoppable.”
David Goggins
In 2024 figure out what you want? And how can you get it?
And do it.