Purpose, tools, and keeping kids off your lawn

What is your purpose for being here?  

Small ask, right?  I may as well ask you what is the meaning to life or your opinion on gun control…

I found myself asking the purpose question more often after I turned 40.  after all, I’m an achiever.  Shouldn’t I be out there curing cancer or ending world hunger or something? 

I should.  If I thought it was my purpose…

I used to view purpose like the Matrix movies.  ‘All apps have a purpose and when that purpose is over, the app is deleted.’   I changed my hard stance on this but I also realized you have PURPOSE, and you have TOOLS.  

For example.

When I first became a comic book artist, I thought, I needed a mission statement.  A purpose.  An intention.  Drawing and painting in publishing couldn’t just be about drawing and painting.  So, I came up with, ‘I want to make a difference in the lives of people with my art.’

I realized the TOOL I used to do that was comic books, but eventually my tool changed to caricatures.  But guess what?  My purpose to make a difference in the lives of people is still the same.

And even with my writing and video blogging that I create for creative entrepreneurs like you.  I do it for the same reason, to make a difference in your life.  

Different tool, but the same purpose.  The same intention.  

Your “tool” will probably change too.  

Oprah’s first big tool was her talk show.  She used it to educate audiences for 25 years.  Now she does the same thing thru her OWN network, magazine, and other media.

Steve Jobs loved taking average products and making them better and more user-friendly.  He did this in college with a telephone long distance device and he did it with personal computers and MP3 players.  Same Steve Jobs but he used different tools.

Think of it this way.  The universe is constantly in expansion.  Nasa said, (from nasa.gov).  “The universe is getting bigger every second. The space between galaxies is stretching, like dough rising in the oven.”

Since the universe and everything in it is constantly in expansion, you are too.  You and your “tools” will always be expanding and evolving.  That’s why it’s so important to consciously keep evolving into a version of yourself that you can be proud of.  

You can just as easily expand into the grumpy asshole that yells at kids to stay of your lawn or a joyous person that loves what you see in the mirror.

Either way, the choice is yours.

