I was watching Modern Family the other day.
Jay (Ed O’Neill) scored a stay for him (and the whole family) at a posh hotel. In his mind everything was perfect because he had an Excelsior level room. This was the “top floor” and the best experience that the hotel offered.
So he thought…
He tried taking an elevator to the “top floor” and security shut him down. He learned his Excelsior privileges were second best. Excelsior+ was the top floor and the best plan available.
He was pissed.
He even went outside to count the floors of the hotel.
It was funny. It seemed stupid even. But guess what? Most of us do it everyday.
I had a college professor that bought nothing but leather bound books. He paid about $100 for each book when he could’ve purchased the paperback for around 20 bucks.
And even if you don’t do it, your audience does.
Why buy a Gucci mini bag for $1600 when you can get a purse at Walmart for less than $20.
A Ford Explorer will get you to work just as easily as a Range Rover. You’ll save about 50k too. So why do people do it?
Status baby!
Status is a great source of pride for most people. It makes us who we are.
It works in reverse too.
I know a guy who buys all his clothes at Walmart and would never consider shopping at Macy’s or Saks Fifth Avenue.
The bottom line is KNOW who you are talking to when you write emails and copy.
Seth Godin said, “It’s possible to use the status hierarchy as a sort of fuel”.
That’s right.
Use status as fuel to make what you say bigger, better, and last longer.
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