Authors are like musicians sometimes.
Their first book is amazing and every book afterwards never lives up to the first one.
This isn’t true in Simon Sinek’s case. I read his book The Infinite Game and enjoyed it as much as his first book Start With Why.
The Infinite Game is about leaders who use a finite mindset can easily blow it with limited thinking. The leaders who embrace an infinite mindset, build stronger and more innovative organizations.
This is true if you run a clothing store with one location.
It’s true if you run a million dollar online business.
It’s true if sell baseball cards out of your mother’s attic.
Sinek put it like this:
“To ask, “What’s best for me” is finite thinking. To ask, “What’s best for us” is infinite thinking.”
This is why the music industry got hit so hard in the Internet age. All they could see is THEIR profits and THEIR problems. And when they started suing power user of Napster for copyright infringement, they looked like bullies.
Hell, worse than bullies.
They were like Colonel Quaritch from the movie Avatar or Burke from the Aliens movie.
Apple cleaned their clock because Steve Jobs approached music with infinite thinking.
So did Bezos at Amazon with the publishing.
Sinek’s book was a great reminder for me to approach my short term decisions with long term thinking.
That’s why doing work that matters is so important. We effect ourselves AND the people around us.
It’s not only your job but that’s your legacy too.
Wanna keep upping your infinite mindset?