I created a term when I was a teen, I called it Finish Line Behavior. I still use this term today believe it or not.
Why did I create this term? Necessity? Nope, sheer annoyance.
Usually people from California…
Growing up in Phoenix Arizona, we were one of the fastest growing U.S. cities for many years. Every year I’d meet people from all over the country who weren’t happy moving to Phoenix. They’d say things like, I’ll be happy when I…
Meet the right person.
Get a good job.
Buy a house.
I called it Finish Line Behavior because they would not be satisfied until they crossed a finish line or attained something that they wanted first.
Californians drove me the most crazy because so many of them couldn’t take living in a dessert. They’d bitch about the heat cause Los Angeles’ weather is SO perfect. Or why there’s no beach or how public transportation sucked.
Instead of punching them in the throat I’d low-key roll my eyes and ignore them. All while thinking, here’s another Finish Line person.
Now imagine my surprise when I realized years later that I was being a Finish line person too.
After I graduated from the university I was all about sacrificing the now for the big fun later. I got invites from friends and family for parties, celebrations, and concerts and I rarely accepted.
Why make time for things like fun? I’m building a business ova here!
Beside, once my business blows up, then we’re all gonna party like rockstars. But first, let me take this call…
I realized, my life wasn’t working. All that work and no play had me asking some bigger questions. My wife was asking some bigger questions too. Like why the hell aren’t doing anything together like we used to?
“Honey, I get it. I’ll talk to you about it right after I send these e-mails…”
I stopped my Finish Line Behavior. Instead of my rigid business goals and Klingon-like work ethic I chilled out. I decided to focus on living, having fun, and creating experiences.
In The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace D. Wattles writes, “…the only way in which you can assist the world in growing rich is by growing rich yourself…”
I think that is 100% true.
If that is true, then this is true too. The only way in which you can assist the world in being happy and making the world a better place is by being happy yourself.
Now, crossing the finish line doesn’t matter because either way, I’m happy.