Lil Nas X ‘gets’ Seth Godin

Let’s pick up where we left off.  Breaking down Seth Godin’s Marketing in Five Steps.  To recap, the first step was:  Invent a thing worth making, with a story worth telling , and a contribution…

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New Rules [and not Dua Lipa’s…]

About 15 years ago I realized something… I loved doing business with artists.  Gary, my favorite barber,  was an artist with hair.   My favorite landscaper was an artist.  My lawn was flawless like Dua…

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I’m Ranting Cats and Dogs!

Yesterday, I blogged about Seth Godin’s book This is Marketing. I called it his newest book but a quick trip to Amazon told me I was wrong.  This one came out in 2018 and The…

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Old School Marketing is so Gangsta

Seth Godin is an OG (original gangster) of marketing. I would recommend you read all of his books.  The man is just that good.  His audiobooks books can be a little monotone but his content…

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Angry Enough to Slap Jesus

My wife has had a bipolar relationship with her weight most of her life and a few months ago she hired a weight loss coach.  His name is Chris but I call him Jesus.  …

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