Our super-powers make us special

I started thinking, who really needs to worry about AI?   The skilled masters of our industry?  Or maybe artists that are afraid of being different?  And let’s not forget about Fake Bitches…  And by…

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The most creative thing in us

I’ve been studying imagination a lot lately.   And I keep bringing it up because it’s so important to you doing your art.  And working the kind of schedule you wanna work and making the…

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Miracles are like solar panel salesmen

My mother-in-law loves playing the lottery.  Like…obsession level.  Like how Harry Potter obsessed over Quidditch.  Or how Voldemort was obsessed with finding the Elder Wand.  It’s like that…. Well, last week my mother-in-law got the…

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Why bad horror movies get made

I love horror moves.   But you ever wonder why so many crappy ones get made?   Let alone explain why some get massively popular… Look at Friday the 13th.  A guy goes around in…

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Your DNA

I love it when I ‘look for something new’ on Netflix and score a home run. Me and wifey just finished watching The Night Agent and thoroughly enjoyed it.   What it is about?  Glad…

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