How you really get paid

I was at an event drawing a married couple.  The wife said her husband was an artist and I found out he liked comic books. Normally when people say they like comics, what they really…

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Your Fortress of Solitude

When I was kid, I loved the The Superman movies. As if having super-power wasn’t enough, I loved Superman’s Fortress of Solitude.  It just looked cool.  Wouldn’t it be neat to have one of those?…

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Upside to the downside

Could you imagine winning $1,000,000,000?   You can buy a lot of stretchy pants with that kind of cheddar… Last year the multi-state lottery here in Arizona got to over one billion dollars.  For the…

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Sharks in Manhattan

You ever notice that your brain doesn’t really shut up?   Did I lock the front door? I paid that already, right?  Do these jeans make me look fat?   Author Michael A. Singer in…

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Your ultimate super-power

I had a friend who went thru a harsh divorce.   His ex basically screwed him over in just about every way she could imagine.  It’s like she burned down their house and kicked him…

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