How to get people to buy…YOU  Part 2

When I started offering live digital caricature as a service, I did NOT want to. I didn’t talk about it. I didn’t put the service on my website.   I just didn’t want to do…

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How to get people to buy…YOU

Got any money goals for  2024?   I bet you do. When I first started blogging about entrepreneur stuff, I really clenched on to copywriting.  How to tell a better story and write it so…

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Big Sexy Goals

I haven’t been a new year’s resolution kinda person in a long time. I’m not much of a goal setter writer-downer either.  I have goals, I just don’t feel the need to write them down…

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In 2024 think like a bad guy

I have always loved bad guys.   I was upset when Hans Gruber fell off Nakatomi Plaza. Darth Vader scared me as a kid, but I was fascinated by him. Aside from Thanos from the…

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Crazy Intentional

People can be weird.  And not weird in the good way.  We went full-throttle with our animal rescue this year and we’ve been picking up traction nicely.  We’ve been attracting good positive helpful people,  but…

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